Companies and Products Database.

Information. On tap.

The Solution

All members of a clinical team regularly need access to detailed product information. Tracking it down can be a hassle, wasting precious time. With SoloCom, you can allow them to quickly locate detailed information on almost any product, anytime, anywhere.

  • Smart Filters

    Inbuilt intelligent product search allows users to use text and filters to find the information they need as quickly as possible - via SKU #, name, brand, category, company name and HCPCs code.

    Users can apply filters, including the facility to see only those products in their employer’s formulary.

  • Multimedia

    Information can be in any form, including text, web links (URLs open an in-app browser experience), images, pdfs and videos.

    And if there are still unanswered questions, the platform allows clinical team members to immediately message or call their assigned reps.

  • product category screen

    Category Search

    Products are searchable by category.

    Since you control the categories, their images, and the order in which products are served within these categories, you will be able to generate revenues from companies that want to pay for premium positioning.