In the moment.
CE Directory
Our users told us that finding CE courses that fit specific needs is a hassle. Indeed, within our NewsFeed, we’ve consistently seen CE-related posts receive the highest levels of engagement. We also heard from service providers that they struggle to guide their team members to focus on recommended topics.
The CE Directory represents our first move towards providing a consolidated, searchable database of a wide range of educational content from a host of providers and companies. Designed following detailed user research, courses are surfaced in horizontally-scrollable sections, the order and categories of which we can readily adapt.
Users can search for courses using keywords, or scroll through the different categories. For example, if a user wants to find an in-person course in Orlando during school vacation, our goal is to surface all available options within seconds.
For partners, we anticipate that this module would be swiftly adapted to integrate the educational brands/assets it already makes available, including recommended webinars and podcasts.